

Admit One Online

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Admit One is a free biweekly A/E tabloid published in Peoria, Illinois and covers the national as well as local events, attractions, concerts, venues, and community affairs. "e-mag" is our online version.
We thank all who have contributed to our cause such as promoters, labels, publicist's, security, sales, and the acts themselves, who are featured within our issues.
We'd also like to thank the many loyal readers and supporters who've helped us.

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Sonic-Media Group Production
(c) e-mag.inc 2001 MIDWEST OFFICE:Admit One Publications P.O. Box 2913 E. Peoria, IL. 61611

Admit One Publications Attn. Michael James Regional Mgr.
P.O. Box 2518 Lillington, N.C. 27546-2518